Week 1 – Initial ideas

To start off the brief, and to try and get some form of direction towards what area I wanted to focus on, I chose 9 potential topics as suggested prior to showing up to the workshop in week 1.  The topics I chose were mainly revolved around news that has been around recently, to try and make the topics very relevant in today’s society. The topics I chose were:

Healthy Life:

How can we encourage people to eat healthier?

How can we encourage people to exercise more?

How can we prevent young people drinking energy drinks?


Go Green:

How can we stop people producing as much waste?

How can we increase the amount we recycle?

How can we use more energy from renewable resources?


Blue Planet:

How can we increase the access to clean water in third world countries?

How can we encourage people to drink more water?

How can we stop people wasting as much water?


A lot of the topics you could argue tie into each other, and some are simply too difficult to do, which I knew when I looked back at them again. So when it came to the workshop, I chose 3 topics, 1 from each category which I felt were the strongest ideas I could put forward to my group. The three ideas I put forward were:

How can we stop younger people from drinking as many energy drinks?

https://www.nhs.uk/news/pregnancy-and- child/over-half- 12-24- year-olds- have-side- effects-energy-
drinks-survey- reports/


How can we stop wasting so much water?



How can we increase the amount we recycle?


https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/nov/21/only-a- third-of- uk-consumer- plastic-
packaging-is- recycled


Upon speaking to my group we talked about specific age groups or demographics to aim them at specifically, as aiming it at the whole population would possibly be too difficult. My group likes my ideas, and I provided further evidence I had found online which proves that these are an issue in today’s world.

All three of these initial ideas weren’t without some form of problem when it came to figuring out a way to do something about it. We can’t stop young people from drinking energy drinks, we can only try and discourage them, we can’t stop people from wasting water. We can however, inform them of what damage each of them is doing to them, and to the planet respectively. I will look at the three ideas again later this week and see which of them I want to try and head more towards for the this brief.


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