Recycle Lincoln!
Recycle Lincoln! Have created a petition on aiming at doubling the recycling rates in Lincoln by 2020. I am examining them because they have also established that recycling is a problem in Lincoln, and the rates can definitely be increased. They aim to increase the recycling opportunities for residents of Lincoln.
“Recycle Lincoln! is a proposal by Mayor Chris Beutler. The proposal is intended to increase recycling opportunities for citizens, expand the local economy, reduce the need for expensive landfill expansion, and grow a sustainable future for ourselves and our children.”
I have learnt that there are other people who have identified this problem, and over 1700 people have signed this petition so far. They have a plan set out for what they want to do year by year. They also aim to launch a community based education program to help communicate how, and where to recycle. The Lincoln City Council has taken note of this petition and has held meetings on the educational program the petition aims to create.
This petition is aimed more at the general population of Lincoln, not specifically students, which is where I believe a lot of the problem comes from, hopefully my research can indicate whether I am right with this or not.